Visit to Weingut Birgit Eichinger

  In America, even dedicated fans of Austrian wine have probably not heard of Birgit Eichinger. This is a pity, because in Austria she is consistently recognized as producing top quality Grüner Veltliner and Riesling wines. Once the rest of the world catches on, these wines will be even harder to get, and right now […]

Great Discovery #1
Wine Routes of Lower Austria

Published by the tourism board of Niederösterreich (Lower Austria), this web site is a treasure trove of information about travel through this region, including events, hotels, restaurants, and of course wineries, wine taverns, and wine shops.

Had I known of this resource sooner, I might have been able to schedule in this tasty looking event in the Traisental wine area:

26. October – Young Wine Presentation of the Traisen Valley Vintners
In the noble ambience of the hall of the Augustinian monastery Herzogenburg, which once appropriately served as the dining room for monks, the Traisen Valley wine makers present their new wines on Austria’s national holiday. In addition to the young Grüner Veltliner, the most popular grape in the Traisen Valley, the early Rivaner, Pinot Blanc and other varieties will be sampled. The complete programme includes a buffet with regional specialties and live music.

Wine Routes of Lower Austria (English)

Weinstraße Niederösterreich (Deutsch)