Great Discovery #2
Terry Theise Austrian Wine Catalog

Although I’m familiar with Terry Theise’s German wine catalog, I guess I must have overlooked his Austrian selections. Like the German catalog, Theise’s 2012 Austrian Catalog is packed to the gills with stories and opinions about what is simply good and what is excellent about wines from this region.

Giving credit where credit is due, I found this particular rabbit hole while reading an interview between Terry Theise and Peter Schleimer (Vinaria, 04/2012). Vinaria is an excellent Austrian wine journal which, incredibly, can be read in full if you have an iPad with “DerOnlinekiosk” installed. (Deutsche Sprache -only)

Wines from two the estates that I will be visiting, Alzinger and Bründlmayer, are imported into the U.S. by Michael Skurnik wines (Terry Theise Selections).

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