about me | contact

I’m not a blogger. I’m a photographer. But maybe that’s the same thing, because what I really am is a storyteller. A historian. An explorer. And sometimes a picture doesn’t tell the whole story, the whole context, or the nuanced meaning. I can live with that.

In this blog, “i heart austria“, I’m going to explore some stories in a different way. And hopefully in a fuller, richer way.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you stay for the ride.

Just a couple of housekeeping items: like most of us, I have a few bills to pay, and like a very lucky few, I enjoy my work. So if you find you need a bit of photography, or an image for a company brochure or website, I’d be happy to work with you on it. Which brings me to the second item, how to get in touch.

Paul Cunningham
(503) 544-5935

P.S. If you’d like to see more of my photography, including German Wine Culture and a lot of other things, pop over to www.veryCunning.com 



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